If you enjoy a few more years with your best friend, It’s a bargain...

Staying healthy is like saving for later. We learned this when our little Frenchie had a tough time, and it was hard.

We didn't want our Frenchie to go through that again. Vet bills cost a lot, and dealing with health problems is tough.

That's why Frenchie food should be made for them, not like regular dog food for everyone.

Meet our Sensitive Skin & Stomach air dried dog food. Our special recipe from the vet is way better than regular dog food. It has real Wild salmon, good germs (postbiotics), and important vitamins.

With clean ingredients, your French Bulldog will have a nice coat, tummy help, and more energy without itchy skin or tummy problems.

A happier future begins with Fresh Frenchie.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are your products fragrance-free?

None of our products contain added fragrance! However, because our dog food is made with Salmon, they do have a natural scent.

Where do your ingredients come from?

Our carefully selected ingredients are sourced from the United States. All our ingredients are scrutinized and tested for the highest quality.

Where are your products manufactured?

All of our products are made in the USA in respected facilities.


Can I use your products on my puppy/senior dog?

Absolutely! All of our products are completely natural and safe for dogs of all ages, including puppies and senior dogs!

Are your products certified?

Yes! Our salmon is organic certified and follows AAFCO guidelines. The seal of approval on our products shows the origin and ingredients in our dog food.

Are your products inspected?

Yes! Our product is compliant with federal, state and local regulations. To ensure this compliance, we perform regular checks of our procedures and documentation.


Do you ship to my country?

We ship to all countries around the world every day! We offer shipping through FedEx and USPS so you can decide which carrier works best for you. Please note that not all countries accept USPS Tracking.